Let's call a spade a spade. It's going to take something extraordinary to happen for the Padres to bail on Juan Soto so early into his massive contract. 

However, the Padres are struggling right now and if the right package came along it would be foolish of them not to at least consider it. 

Here are four landing spots for Juan Soto should the Padres to the unthinkable: 

New York Yankees

The Yankees are a large-market team with a history of pursuing elite talent. They have the financial resources to take on Soto's future contract demands and a strong farm system to potentially put together an enticing trade package.


Los Angeles Dodgers

The Dodgers have shown a willingness to make big moves in the past and have a strong roster built for contention. Adding Soto to their lineup would make them even more formidable, and they have a deep farm system that could facilitate a trade.


Atlanta Braves

The Braves have a talented young core and have been successful in recent years. Adding Soto to their lineup would provide them with another star player and a long-term centerpiece. They also have a solid farm system to put together a compelling trade package.


Philadelphia Phillies

The Phillies have been aggressive in pursuing top talent in the past, and they have a need for a player of Soto's caliber. Adding him to their lineup alongside Bryce Harper would create a formidable offensive duo. The Phillies also have some promising prospects that could be included in a trade package.