Unlimited free agency may not come to college sports as quickly as some expected.

Multiple sources told The Athletic on Saturday that it is increasingly unlikely that the Division I Board of Directors will vote to eliminate the NCAA rule prohibiting multiple transfers by athletes at its Aug. 3 meeting. This would mean that the one-time transfer rule would remain in place. The creation of transfer windows may also be delayed.

Earlier this month, the Division I Council endorsed the elimination of the one-time transfer rule as part of a transfer reform package that included the implementation of transfer windows and the requirement that the school accepting a transfer would be required to provide financial aid to the incoming student-athlete through the completion of the student’s five-year period of eligibility or undergraduate graduation. The package originated with the Division I Transformation Committee, a group assembled to help modernize college athletics.

Presidents on both the Transformation Committee and Board have expressed concerns regarding the possibility of unlimited transfers, sources said. There also has been a great deal of public pushback from football and men’s basketball coaches who believe it will make it nearly impossible to manage rosters.