This is the first real test for Steve Cohen. And no, he can’t take his usual approach to problem-solving as Mets owner, and spend more money.

The Mets, the most expensive major-league team in major-league history, sunk to a new low Thursday night, one that ultimately might be responsibile for wrecking their season and costing people jobs.

Unless the Mets turn things around quickly, it is becoming increasingly difficult to imagine Buck Showalter, the National League Manager of the Year in 2022, lasting the entire season. General manager Billy Eppler, at some point, might be in jeopardy, too.

The Mets are 30-33, 8 1/2 games out of first place, a collective failure, players included. But does anyone seriously expect Cohen to watch his $359 million investment continue to rot without taking some form of action, and scapegoating one or more members of his leadership team?

Never before in the Mets’ 61 years of existence had they lost three straight games after leading each by three or more runs. They pulled off that feat in Atlanta while getting swept by the arch-rival Braves, and Thursday night’s 13-10 loss in 10 innings was the most crushing yet.