ACC commissioner Jim Phillips told ESPN on Wednesday that "there's a lot of push" to expand the College Football Playoff in 2024.

The CFP's board of managers voted in early September to expand the playoff to 12 teams in 2026, but the 10 FBS commissioners and Notre Dame athletic director Jack Swarbrick have been working toward expansion two years sooner.

"We're trying. We're committed to doing it," Phillips told ESPN at ACC basketball media day. "We really are, across 10 conferences and Notre Dame. We feel really good about the work that's been done across all 10 conferences and Notre Dame these last five, six months. We're really unified in trying to get it done. It's just the logistics of this thing are difficult. Not insurmountable, but time is not a friend of ours right now. Time is not on our side.

"There's a lot of push to try to get this thing done."

Phillips also said "it's time to look at" expanding the NCAA basketball tournaments. SEC commissioner Greg Sankey opened the conversation in August, telling Sports Illustrated he was willing to take a "fresh look" at the tournament.

Since then, the debate has intensified in the sport, although it seems any potential change is barely in the exploratory stage.

"It's the crown jewel of all of our championships," Phillips told ESPN. "There's nothing that really duplicates it, on both sides, on the men's side and the women's side. So you have to be respectful of not messing it up, either, and understand it's in a really good, healthy place. But you also have to continue to be progressive, and I try to think about those things in that way.