There’s No “I” in Hockey”: In The Wake of Tragedy, Reflecting on the Hockey World’s Unparalled Unity

Nova Caps Fans

Photo: Calgary Flames

Like many, the unimaginable and senseless passing of star NHL forward Johnny Gaudreau and his brother Matthew left me with a feeling of immense emptiness, a feeling that made it difficult to put into words just how devastating this tragedy was and is.

In the week since the Gaudreau brothers’ death (which came just several hours before they were to serve as groomsmen in their sister Katie’s wedding), I have felt both immensely proud and heartbroken to be a fan of hockey. Proud of the atmosphere of unity that will not only help those of us in the stands as fans begin to try to process one of the darkest days in the sport’s recent memory, but also the teammates, coaches, colleagues, friends, and the Gaudreau Family who have lost irreplaceable pieces of their lives. While the fire of competition burns when push comes to shove, it is the collective love of this great game that binds us all and has never wavered when we need it the most. It is my belief that no other sport comes close.

That said, I too am heartbroken because, despite the infinite amount of prayers, condolences, and fundraisers for the Gaudreau Family that will hopefully alleviate some of the indescribable grief they are enduring, we cannot give them what they truly deserve; two husbands, sons, fathers (Johnny to daughter Noa – 2 – and son Johnny – 6 months, Matthew to an unborn son Tripp, due later this year), brothers, friends, and family members who had their whole lives ahead of them before an alleged drunk driver cut short that future.

The hockey world has gone through moments like this, and we have always pulled through. This, this just seems, feels, and ultimately, is different. Is it the closeness of the Gaudreau Brothers (both in age and friendship), the devastating situation their family now faces, the circumstances around their demise, and/or perhaps personal aspects that hit too close to home for some? I am sure those reading this will have gone over this tragedy many times, wondering why this senseless incident occurred to two young men who didn’t deserve such a fate.

I’m not sure we’ll ever have the answers but I will end with this quote that I feel is particularly apt for Johnny Gaudreau’s impact on the NHL and hockey (of which much has been written in the last several days), but also an overarching outlook on life itself.

“There is no footprint too small to leave an imprint on this world.” – Unknown

May Johnny and Matthew Gaudreau rest in eternal peace, and may their family be lifted up in this most somber hour of loss and pain. The whole NoVa Caps team and hockey world will keep them in our prayers.

By Michael Fleetwood


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