‘First Take’ host Stephen A. Smith is the loudest Cowboys hater in the world, yet it hardly means he and owner Jerry Jones are on bad terms. As a matter of fact, they’re good pals.
Smith and Jones met ahead of Dallas’ loss to the Eagles on Sunday and had a bit of a funny interaction, with Jones asking the ESPN reporter to teach him a particular move the latter says he calls “The Jerry Jones.”
Check it out right below:
Smith, who’s usually the happiest person on TV when the Cowboys lose, was even complimentary of the NFC team during Monday’s episode of ‘First Take’ as he admitted that Dallas played well enough to win the game.
The Cowboys did have an impressive performance, with quarterback Dak Prescott playing out of his mind. Still, it wasn’t enough to beat a well-drilled Eagles side intent on returning to the Super Bowl.
Stephen A. appears to have had a swell old time as he also got close to a stunning female who resembles his ESPN colleague Molly Qerim and had fans going crazy online.