Retired NFL tight end Rob Gronkowski created a bit of a stir on Wednesday when he tweeted just three words. Specifically, the future Hall of Famer said, “I’m kinda bored.”

Naturally, this sparked a lot of speculation as we’re now approaching the NFL playoffs, and Gronk isn’t exactly one who enjoys training camps or practicing all-season long. Join the club, right?

Still, any time a player such as Gronkowski, a five-time Pro Bowl tight end, even hints at the idea that he may come out of retirement, it causes a frenzy. Apparently, that even includes NFL front offices.

Rob Gronkowski’s tweet made NFL teams spring into action

According to Gronkowski himself, who made an appearance on Kay Adams’ “Up and Adams” podcast, two NFL teams actually reached out to gauge the 33-year-old’s interest in joining their roster.

Considering the four-time Super Bowl champ just sent the tweet on Wednesday, and by Thursday morning, he had already found two suitors interested in his services, well, the NFL acts fast.

While we all want to know the specifics of which teams sent out a feeler, the 11-year NFL pro declined to state who those franchises were.