The quest to get Zion Williamson to reach his peak physical form has been an ongoing saga since he arrived in New Orleans in 2019. Though Williamson has dominated when he’s played, injuries and conditioning issues have kept him off the court and held him back from reaching his full potential. After sitting out the entire 2021-22 season due to a fractured right foot, Williamson has missed a total of 141 games through the first three years of his career.

But Williamson and his camp believe they’ve taken a critical step toward solving those problems this summer.

The Pelicans star just returned to New Orleans after spending two months in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., executing a meticulous plan crafted with his personal trainer, Jasper Bibbs, to prepare for a pivotal year for him and the Pelicans organization as a whole. In an exclusive interview with The Athletic, Bibbs said the results have been “phenomenal.”

“He’s in fantastic shape,” Bibbs told The Athletic. “He’s been committed to putting in the work day in and day out. I’m really proud of what he’s been able to accomplish. He’s a better athlete now than he’s ever been.”

Bibbs declined to specify how much weight Williamson lost over the summer or his current weight, but he said Williamson has come a long way since they started working together in January.

“(His body composition) has improved at an extremely high level,” Bibbs said. “That’s all I’ll say.”

Bibbs spent five seasons as a member of the Utah Jazz’s strength and conditioning staff from 2016-21, developing a strong relationship with former Jazz star Donovan Mitchell during his time in Utah. That relationship was part of the reason Williamson hired Bibbs to be his personal trainer in January. The two worked closely together during Williamson’s midseason rehab stint in Portland and Bibbs continued to be a prominent figure once Williamson returned to the Pelicans in March.